
3 Worst TV Ads 

 May 18, 2016

By  Jana Hassett

It always amazes me at the lack of judgement many companies show when it comes to their advertising.  Especially when you’re a major corporation with a budget to buy TV ads.  Who writes this stuff?

Obviously those that produce these “clever ads” only have one foot in reality.

For instance, the latest round of ads that have earned the rating of “Terrible” include Samsung, Zyrtec, and Dodge.  Their  three ads are amazingly insensitive to the realities of today’s buyers.  Take Zyrtec – their ad shows an average American family out in the park enjoying a beautiful day and some ice cream.  She sneezes and ends up with his ice cream cone on her forehead.  It stays there while he presents her with a Unicorn stuffed animal.  Really?  The majority of buyers in today’s world are women and you demean them with this ad?

Moving on to Samsung – a major issue of today is race.  It should be called “culture” but that doesn’t buy votes.  You have a black man that goes into a mom and pop store pouring water over his new Waterproof Galaxy S7 Edge making a terrible mess and assuming the owner will clean up after him.  So what does he do?  He buys more water to make a bigger mess for someone else to clean up.  Small business owners have enough challenges without having big companies promoting this lack of respect for other people’s property.

And finally, we have the Dodge ad.  Just a couple of weeks ago there was a report on the growing problem with street racing in America, both from cars and motorcycles that torment others, drive without regard for the law and cause accidents and deaths.  The Dodge ad shows how they can beat anyone in the dark of night and street race.  This role model for breaking the law is partly what’s wrong with society.  When asked why teenagers do stupid things a growing number answer “I saw it on television”.

It’s time for companies to promote core values of decency and respect.  These three ads don’t come close.

Until next time – – –

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