
The Boys in the Boat – Book Review 2/2/15 

 February 2, 2015

By  Jana Hassett

The story of ordinary men doing extraordinary deeds is always enjoyable, but this one is exceptional. From the inclusion of historic events and social values of the times to the details of rowing, the story is so well written you are there with them for every beat of the oars.Boys in the Boat Cover

What spoke to me most was the “swing”. If you’ve ever had the opportunity/priviledge to be involved with a group and have a “swing” moment, it gives you a senes of belonging like none other. In High School, our award winning marching band competed for awards and placement in the Annual Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, Calif. Hours of marching, learning music, polishing shoes, and instruments – no detail was too small.

The drum major practiced throwing his mace by the hour. Rain or shine, we marched; we played; we cleaned; we marched some more. Perfect diagonals – perfect rows – perfect music – perfect uniforms; and the ultimate challenge was 125 students stepping off the competition line as one. All in step, same length, same style, same beat, as one – it was our “swing” and we did it. – Jjst like the boys of the boat.

What a wonderful opportunity to share in their triumph and remember our own after almost 50 years. Great job Daniel James!!!

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