
Ready for Change? 

 December 28, 2015

By  Jana Hassett

Unless you try something different, you’re going to continue to experience the same results you’ve been experiencing.


Not sure how to make the changes?   Try answering these questions, but you must write down all your answers. There aren’t any wrong answers. And don’t erase or cross out any (at least not yet).

What do I really want?

What’s my desired outcome?

What are my gifts and what do I believe about them?

What do I want more of in my life?

Now put them away for a later time.  When you come back you might want to change them or modify them. They are your answers, make them reflect your desires. Add to them with new answers when you’re in a different space.  But write them down.

Be ready to share them when they are completely refined.

More later.

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